They are not looking for easy ways

Sergei Shulyak and Andrei Petrenko are in Spacemodelling sport for more than a decade. They both are awardees of the Championships of Ukraine and World Cups for M.K. Yangel Cup and “Impulse”. They competed in S-7 class – scale models in realism of flight. Launching this class of models is considered the top of the Spacemodelling sport.

Guys, at the World Championship in Bulgaria you were in S-7 class. Ukrainian national team was the best in this class. What is the complexity of the design and launch of these scale models?
Andrei Petrenko: The difficulty is that the model S-7 should be a copy of a real rocket at a particular scale with extensive nodes refinement. And it demands a very careful preparation for the flight, launch of the replica model should be most similar to the original rocket launch.
Sergei Shuljak:Of course, the process of making a model is more complex process than the competitions participation. However training will be easier if everything is correct and well-planned. The main thing for a competitor is self-confidence and equipment reliability.

Why are you interested in S-7 class of scale models?
Andrei Petrenko: They allow producing model-prototype of actually existing missiles with a maximum external detailing and “stuffing” of a copy.

Tell us about scale models prototypes, you participated with in Bulgaria
Sergei Shuljak: My model in realism of start was Saturn 1B. This is an American carrier rocket, an upgraded version of the Saturn B. In contrast to the first embodiment of the carrier, my prototype could carry out compartments and moon module of Apollo spaceship into low Earth orbit. The process of making replica model was not just long. It took me a serious psychological endurance.
Andrei Petrenko:Prototype of my model is French rocket Ariane 44LP. Since 1988 this missile has been serving as a carrier for the Astra 1A satellite, and later its successor Astra 1B of the operator company of satellite system SES. I spent 4 years on its creation.

S-7 is not the only class that you compete in?
Andrei Petrenko: No, besides S-7 class, I was in S-4-A class – boost/glide duration models, S-6-A class – streamer duration models, S-9-A class – gyrocopter duration models.
Sergei Shuljak: I participared in S1B and S5C classes on the flight altitude, S3A class –parachute duration models. This is in addition to class S-7.

Yet the gold in Bulgaria was earned thanks to the launch of S-7 class of scale models on realism of flight. What’s the secret?
Sergei Shuljak: In fact, the success depends on your personal hard work. If you do not waste time and energy in vain, you will win the prizes. Yet amateur rocketry is a sport. And luck plays a role. I have a lot of wins on the account, but also had lesions. For me personally, to win the Championship in S-7 class it took perseverance, knowledge acquired over the years of work and passion for the rocket modeling sport.
Andrei Petrenko: I was helped to achieve victory by our friendly team.