Ukraine Rocketry Challenge 2019

For the second year running, the Ukraine Space Modelling Sports Federation, jointly with Non-Government Organization “Association Noosphere”, organizes one of the most interesting competitions in space modeling sport— Ukraine Rocketry Challenge.

This type of competitions opens up new frontiers for space modelling in Ukraine, enabling not only to educate youth in the aerospace sector, but also to tap its potential and facilitate creativity in building the models. Unlike classical competitions, which usually take place in compliance with FAI rules, the rules of Rocketry Challenge change every year, enabling promptly to adapt to present-day needs and keeping the competition topical and interesting for years. Moreover, this approach provides almost equal conditions for newbies and experienced inventors.


Rocketry Challenge 2019 was devoted to the 50th anniversary of the human flight to the moon when Saturn V rocket launched Apollo 11.


The key rules were, as follows:

— As a fragile payload, they used three chicken eggs, which simulated three astronauts: Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins and Edwin Aldrin;

— The model is divided in two parts. The part with the fragile payload, which is used for countdown, should land on two parachutes, where the difference between diameters should not exceed 50mm;

— In addition, all models compete in the nomination “the best scale model of Saturn V rocket”;

— Every team makes a presentation of its model, where it demonstrates all know-how;

— The teams consist of three members aged from 11 to 18 inclusively;

— The teams should perform two qualification flights in two rounds. In the first round, the teams should launch a model with fragile payload to the altitude of 261 m, and ensure safe return of the fragile payload without damaging it when descending for the period of 43-46 seconds. The conditions of the second round are determined before its start through flipping a coin. The flight time is increased or reduced by 1 second, and the altitude is determined between two options — 253 м or 269 м. In case of the flights, which do not match the above-stated values by altitude and time frame, the penalty points will be added to the teams;

— The points, awarded for presentation and two fights, are summed up. The team with the lowest score will become a winner.

This year, nine teams from six regions of Ukraine (Chernihiv, Sumy, Kharkiv, Dnepropetrovsk, Kherson Region and Kyiv) took part in the competitions. The above-stated rules turned to be very interesting and, at the same time, difficult for the teams.

It is only prizewinners of the competitions, who successfully performed two flights and returned the fragile payload undamaged. The other teams failed to succeed due to malfunctioned recovery systems, engine destruction, damaged fragile payload.

Results of the competition:

Place Team City Presentation Round 1 Round 2 Total score
1 Impulse Shostka 2 39,18 10,36 51,54
2 Dnipro 1 Dnipro 5 36,36 34,56 75,92
3 Suzirya Kyiv 7 92,78 44,5 144,28
4-9 Start Kerson 3 4 DQ DQ
4-9 Lightning Chernihiv 9 36,14 DQ DQ
4-9 Magrateya Kyiv 4 44,44 DQ DQ
4-9 Planeta Nizhyn 1 49,44 DQ DQ
4-9 Kharkiv Rocketry Kharkiv 6 DQ DQ
4-9 Nika Dnipro 8 СЕ

For the second consecutive year, the “Impulse” team becomes the winner of Ukraine Rocketry Challenge !!!

It is a pleasure to see the team of newbies “Suzirya”, led by the young coach Vladyslav Yakymenko (the third-year student of NTUU “KPI”), on a winner’s stand. Vladyslav is a former trainee of Chernihiv rocket modelling school. For the young coach it is the first competition of such a high level and, for sure, not the last one, as he has already announced plans to participate jointly with his trainees in Yangel Cup 2019.

Two more additional nominations were awarded:
Best Presentation” — the winner is “Planeta” team, Nizhyn
“Best scale model of Saturn V rocket” — the winner is “Start” team, Kherson


In the nearest time, the rules of Ukraine Rocketry Challenge 2020 will be announced. Follow our news!