Eco-friendly rockets

This autumn the festival “Eco-Techno-Patriot” held at first, in Vinnitsa. It was aimed at extending environmental culture among the ukrainian population. Children showed their engineering skills and creativity. They transformed solid municipal waste into useful products and raw materials for them. Plastic bottles, corks, broken toys and the office tools got a second life by the capable hands of young сonstructors.

The brightest part of the festival was the competition for water rockets. Participants of the festival have built prototypes of eco-friendly rockets from waste competing in the ingenuity. Pupils from the Brailov village, Vinnytsa region, have implemented a bold design decision to construct a large three stage gidrorocket.

Such events as the festival “Eco-Techno-Patriot” is the way to attract the children and adults’ attention to the acute environmental problems and careful resources usage. We hope, that Vinnitsa сonstructors will become an example for enthusiasts from all the coners of our country.